
Published Date
1Climatological Records of Nepal (1999-2000)June 20022000
2Daily Precipitation Records of Nepal (1997-1998)June 20022000
3Climatological Records of Nepal (1997-1998)June 20011500
4Daily Precipitation Records of Nepal (1997-1998)June 20011500
5Daily Precipitation Records of Mahakali, Seti & Karnali Zone Through 1996May 20002000
6Daily Precipitation Records of Bheri, Rapti & Dhaulagiri Zone Through 1996May 20002000
7Daily Precipitation Records of Janakpur & Sagarmatha Zone Through 1996May 20002000
8Daily Precipitation Records of Koshi & Mechi Zone Through 1996May 20002000
9Daily Precipitation Records of Lumbini Zone Through 1996June 19991000
10Daily Precipitation Records of Gandaki & Narayani Zone Through 1996June 19992000
11Climatological Records of Nepal (2001)June 20041000
12Climatological Records of Nepal (2002-2003)June 20062000
13Climatological Records of Nepal (2004-2005)June 20072000
14Climatological and Agrometeorological Records of Nepal (2006)June 20081500
15Climatological and Agrometeorological Records of Nepal (2007)May 20091500
16Climatological and Agrometeorological Records of Nepal (2008)December 20101500
17Climatological and Agrometeorological Records of Nepal (2009)May 20121500
18Climatological and Agrometeorological Records of Nepal 20101500
19Climatological and Agrometeorological Records of Nepal (2011)June 20172000
20Climatological and Agrometeorological Records of Nepal (2012)June 20172000