Citizen Charter

Contact Section/Person
1Published DataStore SectionYesOnce
2Hydrological and Meteorological Data, Water Quality and Air Pollution dataMeteorological Data Management Section, Mr. Sunny Maharjan (for meteorological data),Hydrological Data (Mr. Suresh Maskey), Water Quality (Mrs. Kamal Datt Acharya) and Snow and glacier station data(Mr. Subash Tuladhar))Yes(1-7 days) According to the amount of data
3Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly Weather ReportClimate Section, Dr. Indira KandelFreeAt once after publish
424 hours Weather Forecasting for General PublicMeteorological Forecasting Division, Airport Tel:014486869FreeAt once
5Weather Information for Civil AviationMeteorological Forecasting Division, Airport, Tel: 014119191FreeAt once
6Flood Early Warning InformationDial Toll Free No. 1155 (during Monsoon- June to September)FreeAt instance
7Daily Flood Forecasting BulletinFlood Forecasting Section/ Mr. Bikram Shrestha ZoowaFree Download from link: Instance